Three Common Signs You Have A Mouse Infestation In Your Home

22 November 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Mice are tiny rodents that may seem fuzzy but are destructive pests. They can wreck your pantry, destroy electrical work, dent your house, and upset your pets and fellow family members. Remember, they can spread diseases by leaving waste and saliva in your home. Unfortunately, they also attract flies and mites, increasing the amount of pest infestation in your home. With that in mind, consider hiring mouse removal services if you notice unusual smells, noises, droppings, and scratch marks on your floor and walls. They often conduct a thorough home inspection to determine their entry points and set mouse traps to help eradicate your mouse problem. This article shall discuss the common signs that portray a mouse infestation in your home.

Foul Smells

Call mouse removal services if you smell a strong musky odor coming from your house. The musky scent may signify a mouse infestation in your home. These rodents may have urinated on your floors and carpets or died in hidden areas in your house, making the stench unbearable. If you have pets, especially cats or dogs, they may become active in areas where rodents are present. If you see your pet smelling or pawing at specific regions in your home, then you better grab a flashlight and look for any mice. If the infestation is severe, the mouse removal experts can help pinpoint the rodents' locations and implement effective removal methods.

Unexplainable Holes On Walls and Furniture

Mice are known to leave gnawing marks in different areas significantly when widening access points to enter or leave your home. If you notice some holes at the corners of your house walls, around your doors and windows, or in your dry walls, you may have a rodent invasion. Sometimes the holes resemble the size of a dime but do not be surprised if you see a rat running across the room from the corner of your eye. They are very good at squeezing through small and narrow spaces. That said, besides helping you control pests, mouse removal services can help close off the holes to prevent their entry into your home.

Squeaking Sounds Emanating from Hidden Sections Within the House

If you hear scratching noises at night, not necessarily coming from your pets, then there is a likely chance you have a mouse infestation. Remember that mice are nocturnal creatures and are very active during the night. As a homeowner, you may likely not see them but may hear sounds of them running, squeaking, or gnawing at your floorboards and dry walls and scampering around your kitchen cabinets. Ensure you listen to the noises and contact the mouse removal services immediately for a mouse inspection and eradication.

For more information, contact a company like Critterex LLC.
