Can Natural Pest Control Methods Help? What Homeowners Should Know

16 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

During the warmer months of the year, pests, like people, seem to become more active. In fact, the average home is likely to experience several types of pests each summer, ranging from those that infiltrate the home, like flies and ants, to those that cause problems outdoors in the lawn and garden areas, such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitos. 

Homeowners struggling with pest issues often look first to natural pest control methods that they read about online or hear about from neighbors and friends. Whether you are currently dealing with a pest control problem or hoping to avoid a future one, this information will offer you some good basic information, as well as advice on what to do if natural pest control methods are not enough. 

Landscaping and lawn care tips for reducing pest issues 

Homeowners who want to reduce their risk of experiencing a pest problem should first consider the use of landscaping to achieve their goal. To use landscaping to reduce or eliminate pest pressure, homeowners can start by: 

  • mowing and trimming the lawn frequently to keep grass and plant growth short to deter ticks and chiggers
  • using landscaping or drainage control methods to address low areas where standing water accumulates to deter mosquitos 
  • removing dropped fruit from beneath fruit trees to deter ants, bees, wasps, and hornets
  • removing lumber, wood, and mulch from around homes and structures to help deter termites

Homeowners can also use flowers and plants to help with their natural pest control efforts. Many types of mint, as well as lavender, marigolds, and citronella, are attractive as landscaping plants while also serving to repel annoying pests, including mosquitoes, flies, and fleas. 

Home maintenance projects to help deter pests 

In addition to landscaping and lawn care options, homeowners may also find that completing some types of home maintenance projects can be helpful in preventing pests from attacking their homes. For example, mending holes in window screens and sealing gaps around doors, windows, and vents can help stop insects and rodents from invading the home. 

Repairing any drips or leaks from plumbing pipes, household appliances, or fixtures is also wise. Many types of pests, including both insects and rodents, are more apt to be attracted to homes where they have constant access to water or moist conditions. 

When natural pest control methods are ineffective

Finding natural ways to reduce or eliminate pest problems is an excellent goal, but many homeowners are disappointed with the results of their efforts. A more effective strategy for achieving a pest-free home and lawn is to work with a professional who offers proven pest control and prevention options. 
