What To Do If You Suspect A Bed Bug Problem In Your Home

7 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you wake up with welts upon your body, and you recently saw small insects around or on your mattress, box spring, or bed frame, a bed bug problem is a likely reason for these situations. Bed bug removal from a house requires a professional service to eradicate the problem completely. Here are steps to take if you suspect bed bugs are present inside your home.

See A Doctor For Confirmation

It is best to make an appointment with your family physician to assess the markings on your body. If a bed bug problem is indeed to blame for your health issue, medication is usually necessary to alleviate the symptoms from the bites you sustained. The confirmation by your physician that you have bed bug bites makes it necessary to contact a pest control service immediately.

Remove All Material Items From Suspect Areas

Your bedroom requires extensive cleaning to remove any bed bugs from your bedding, carpet, and other material items. While you most likely cannot remove all of the pests on your own, cleaning helps to reduce the bed bug population. Before you wash your bedding, place it in a dark-colored garbage bag, tie the bag securely, and leave it in a garage or shed for several weeks. This process kills bed bugs from the material. Use the same process for stuffed animals, if applicable. Afterward, launder the items in hot water and dry on a hot setting. Do not reuse the items until your bedroom is treated by a pest control service. Use a steam cleaner with a heat setting to clean carpets in an affected area.

Consider Staying Somewhere Else Until Service Arrives

Bed bugs are easily transferred from room to room and from building to building if you are not careful. Ask everyone in your household to take a shower, put on clean clothing, and pack a bag for a stay away from home for a few days. Since pest control services use chemical agents to kill bed bugs, a stay at a hotel or friend's home keeps you away from the risk of exposure to components used for pest elimination. Have one member of your family meet up with the pest control service on the date of your scheduled appointment. After they treat your home, you are provided with information about when it is safe to return. They also give recommendations about signs of a recurring problem so a follow-up is obtained if needed. Find bed bug services near you today. 
