Top 4 Questions To Ask A Pest Control Service Before Signing A Contract

26 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you've got unwanted critters and crawlers in your home. then the best thing you can do to get rid of them is to contact a professional pest control service. "Do-it-yourself" extermination practices can not only be ineffective, but they can be downright dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. As you set out to interview and obtain quotes from a few local pest control services, there are a few questions worth asking that will help you reach an informed decision.

Is Treatment Safe for My Kids and/or Pets?

If you have any children or pets inside the home, it is especially important to do your due diligence in regards to any pesticide or other chemicals that will be used. Aside from simply asking the company whether the treatment will be safe for children and pets, ask for a specific list of chemicals that will be used and do some independent research of your own.

Are Your Workers Licensed or Certified?

For your peace of mind, any exterminators or other pest control "professionals" coming into your home should be either licensed or certified (this will vary from state to state). If the company you're interviewing isn't able to provide you with proof of this certification for each of its workers, then it's time to look elsewhere.

How Long Will I Need to Leave the Home?

Some pest control treatments may require you to vacate your home, so be sure to find out exactly how long you should plan on leaving. You'll also want to find out whether or not pets should be removed from the home, as you will need to plan accordingly if this is the case (and it likely will be).

What Type of Guarantee Do You Offer?

Any reputable pest control company should stand behind its work and offer some kind of guarantee on its services. In most cases, this guarantee will mean something along the lines of having your pest problem completely eradicated within a specific number of days (usually about 30 to 60, depending on the severity of the infestation). It's a good idea to find a company that will offer a guarantee on their services so you can enjoy added peace of mind with your money spent.

These are just a few of the most important questions worth asking as you interview potential pest control companies. Once you've chosen the right company, you'll be well on you way to a pest-free home!  
