4 Ways To Protect Your Property From Pests This Summer

30 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When the hot and humid months of summer arrive, so do many unwanted pests around your home. Mosquitoes, termites, spiders, and other insects are common pests that homeowners deal with this time of year--but the good news is that there are some simple yet effective ways to go about protecting your property (and your family) from unwanted pests all summer long.

1. Caulk Around Doors and Windows

Start by assessing your home's perimeter and being specifically on the lookout for potential signs of entry. Small gaps around windows and doors are common points of entry for small pests like ants and spiders, so take some time to caulk or otherwise fill in these gaps as needed. Doing so will also help to improve your home's energy efficiency, possibly saving you money on your cooling bills this summer.

2. Prevent Standing Water Outdoors

Mosquitoes tend to gather and breed around areas of standing water, so do your best to eliminate sources of standing water around your property. For example, if there's a sunken area in your yard that tends to pool with water during rainstorms, then you may want to call a landscaper to have this area of your property leveled out.

3. Keep Firewood Away From Your Home

Termites are a common pest that feed on wood (especially dead and rotted wood); these pests are especially problematic because they can infiltrate the framing of your home and lead to serious structural problems over time. One of the best ways to protect your home from termites is to keep sources of dead wood away from your home's perimeter. This includes firewood and mulch. Consider storing them somewhere on your property that is further away from your home itself.

4. Contact a Pest Control Professional

If all else fails and you're still dealing with annoying pests on your property and in your home this summer, you can always contact a pest control professional. He or she will be able to make a personalized recommendation for pest control and treatment based on the types of pests you're dealing with and what steps you're willing to take to eradicate pests in your home.

No homeowner wants to deal with pests any time of year, but the summer months are especially notorious for being problematic. By following these tips and seeking assistance from a pest control company as needed, you can keep your home and property pest-free with ease. To learn more, contact a company like E & R Exterminating Company, Inc.
