Have A Mosquito Problem? Follow These Tips

13 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

You may enjoy spending time in your yard or with your windows open, but hate the pests that really disrupt your fun. One of those pests you may have lingering around your home is mosquitoes. Here are some tips for getting rid of the mosquitoes so they are not biting you while you try to relax.

Look For Pooling Water

You may feel like you are doing all you can to kill the mosquitoes, but they keep showing up around your home. That is because they could be growing close to where you live. One problem that can actually cause mosquitoes to gather near your home is pooling water. The problem is that mosquitoes will lay eggs near standing water, which makes it a breeding ground where most mosquitoes form.

Some common places where mosquitoes tend to lay eggs include outdoor pools, ponds, and bird baths. However, they'll also use standing water caused by a leaking outdoor faucet or a low spot in your yard where water tends to collect. You need to take steps to eliminate pooling water if you want to eliminate the mosquitoes.

Install Window Screens

While you may want to open your windows and let in a cool breeze on a nice summer day, that could be how mosquitoes are getting inside your home. Your windows will need some sort of screen to not only stop the mosquitoes from getting inside but to prevent other pets that can fly or crawl inside.

You can also have screens installed around a covered porch, which will allow you to spend time outside in a space where pests are not going to get in. After all, you won't want to spend much time outside if you find yourself constantly being bitten by mosquitoes.

Use Outdoor Fans

Mosquitoes are quite small in size, and they will have a hard time hanging around where you are if there is wind blowing around them. Consider taking some box fans and placing them outside where you tend to hang out. The fans will not only keep you cool with a nice breeze but push the mosquitoes away so they can't bite you. It can be a good solution if you notice that mosquitoes are around, but don't have the time to take major steps to get rid of them at the moment.

That is why you should hire an exterminator like Alliance Pest Management, Inc. to help you get rid of the mosquitoes once and for all.
