Tick Tock: 4 Alarming Reasons To Get Rid Of The Deer Ticks In Your Yard

21 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Because they're called deer ticks, you may think you and your pets are safe around the tiny parasites. However, despite what their name suggests, deer ticks don't feed solely on deer. They happily thrive on the blood of humans, pets, and livestock as well. Making matters worse, deer ticks, also known as black-legged ticks, carry and spread more diseases than other species of ticks. Here are four alarming reasons to get rid of the deer ticks in your yard right away.

1. Deer Ticks Transmit Anaplasmosis

One of the scariest and most alarming facts about deer ticks is that the eight-legged parasites spread anaplasmosis, a disease that can kill you if left untreated. When you're bitten by a tick with anaplasmosis, the disease spreads rapidly, but symptoms don't typically develop for over a week.

If you become infected with anaplasmosis, you'll notice flu-like symptoms and mental confusion, and you may also develop a rash.

2. Deer Ticks Transmit Babesiosis

In addition to anaplasmosis, deer ticks also transmit babesiosis to humans. Like anaplasmosis, babesiosis--a terrifying parasite--is also capable of killing people. Individuals with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable and need to stay far away from deer ticks.

If you become infected with babesiosis, you may experience muscle weakness and develop a fever as well. The infection can last months at a time, but it can be treated with antibiotics.

3. Deer Ticks Transmit Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is another horrifying disease spread by deer ticks. Those infected with Lyme disease experience a wide range of symptoms, including muscle and joint pain, chronic fatigue, cognitive decline, facial drooping, and neurological difficulties. Consequently, individuals infected with Lyme disease are often misdiagnosed with other disorders.

If you are experiencing any of these severe symptoms and have recently encountered deer ticks, ask your doctor about being tested for Lyme disease.

4. Deer Ticks Easily Go Unnoticed

One of the most troublesome things about deer ticks is that they can be extremely difficult to notice while being all around you. This is due to the fact that deer ticks start off very small--roughly the size of a pencil point. Additionally, a deer tick's bite is typically painless. When combined, these two characteristics allow deer ticks to travel, feed, and spread diseases without being noticed.

Deer ticks are a serious threat to you and your loved ones. If you find any deer ticks in your yard--even just one or two--have your property treated immediately by pest control services.  
